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3 Website Tips For The New Year

“New Year, New You” is the mantra of so many as 2017 begins to open like a flower.

While you’re starting a new exercise program or eating a little bit better, you should be thinking about your website, too. The New Year is the perfect time to introduce navigation changes or make design modifications since you’ll have many months to test and refine them before you have to be ready for another busy shopping season.

Personalization and the ability to access your site from anywhere are the themes of 2017, here are some tips to make that happen for your website:

  1. Get on the level of your customer. You know who your customer is and what it is that you’re selling them.If your sales are slumping or you think they could be better, get eye-to-eye with your customers and find more avenues to communicate in ways they can understand. Often, sites are so full of technical jargon that customers can’t be certain what they’re getting or what the differences are between similar items. If you can’t speak to your customers, find a good copywriter or content marketer who can—your spike in order fulfillment will more than cover the investment.
  1. Increase order transparency. You might know for certain that your product distribution is spot on, but your customers don’t.Even the most reliable shipper or eCommerce retailer can have a bad run and that’s what every web shopper fears most. Instead of leaving them to guess about the status of their orders or where they are in the warehousing and distribution process, give your visitors a customer web portal that keeps them up to date no matter what’s happening with their package. Even just knowing that their order is in process and will be shipping soon can be a great comfort for a worried shopper or customer.
  1. Be responsive. Responsive websites are no longer a luxury, they’re a necessity with so many people accessing the internet using mobile devices. You have no idea the screen size that’ll come your way, so giving your page the power to flex and change to match the device means a better shopping experience for everyone.You can even go one better and develop a mobile website that’s cleaner and easier to navigate on mobile devices than your desktop site or create an app for your device users. Just make sure that your shopping cart allows them to transfer between platforms and your site improvements will be gold.

Although eCommerce sales continue to grow, the field is getting tighter and tighter for commercial pages. Having a site that provides amazing goods along with the best experience is the key to continued success in cyberspace.

January 31, 2017
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