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How To Promote Your Brand Online (Part 1 of 2)

Gone are the days of the Mom-and-Pop corner store, where everything you needed could be bought for a song from shelves stocked with various items, all in their proper places: from nails to navel oranges. While these small shops utilized the most modern forms of...

Same-Day Fulfillment Services

Amazon.com has made same-day delivery a reality for big city customers within driving distance of their distribution warehouses. As the list of cities on Amazon’s list expands and other big names like eBay and Google join the ranks of companies with same-day...

What Is Literature Fulfillment?

Mailing marketing and promotional materials, as well as routine communications and other information, can be, well, a pain. Whether they’re promotional fliers, catalogs or coupons, it can take a lot of work to pull off a successful direct mail campaign that you may be...

What is a Bill of Lading and Why is it Important to Have One?

Many first-time shippers and many of our fulfillment services clients have a lot of questions about a multi-purpose document called the Bill of Lading (sometimes mistakenly called a “Bill of Loading”). These documents have been around in some form, since the Romans...

What Is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse logistics is a term that refers to all the procedures involved in product returns or any other process that reverses the supply chain of goods from manufacturer/retailer/supplier to customer, so that it goes from customer back to...