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Who Needs Fulfillment Services?

If you have a product you want to get out to more than a few people, you probably could benefit from the help of a fulfillment house. What are the benefits of a fulfillment service? Order fulfillment services provide you with extra warehouse space, increase the...

Why Offering Free Returns Makes Good Business Sense

Would you like to make your business stand out from the rest and go the extra mile to build a loyal customer base? Here’s one great way…One effective strategy that you can put in place is to offer free merchandise and product returns. Not every sale is going to run...

What is Third Party Logistics?

Are you looking for a way to improve order efficiency, smooth processing and shorten the time it takes a customer’s order to land on their front step? If so, your business may benefit from the help of a third party logistics company. It’s a well-known fact that happy...

What is a Fulfillment Service? (Part 2 of 2)

If you haven’t already read Part 1 of What is a Fulfillment Service?, you can do so here. Now that you better understand some of the services a fulfillment company might offer, let’s talk about the advantages of using a fulfillment company. Space. For newer companies...

What is a Fulfillment Service? (Part 1 of 2)

A fulfillment service, also sometimes called product fulfillment or order fulfillment, refers to the process in which a company takes over some or all functions needed to ship, transfer or convey an item, product or even service to a customer. On its clients’ behalf,...