There are some great American brands that European consumers love. Alternatively, there are a considerable number of European brands that Americans love to purchase products from.
For many European-based companies that sell products to consumers in the United States, managing returns can be complicated and expensive. There’s an ocean separating you and your customers, and when a product gets returned, it must cross the Atlantic twice.
Partnering with a U.S. based reverse logistics company can make a big difference in lowering your overhead while increasing productivity and customer satisfaction. Here are some of the reasons to consider partnering with a reverse logistics company that is based in the United States:
Cost savings
E-Commerce retailers are no stranger to product returns. Research shows that at least 30% of all products ordered online end up getting returned. Clothing and shoes bought online typically have the highest return rates of up to 40%.
The reasons why customers return products vary, but many people know they are going to return something before they even place their order. In fact, almost a fifth of consumers (19% of them, to be exact) deliberately order multiple variations of a single item (such as different colors or sizes). Once the items are delivered, they choose the ones they like best and return the rest.
There is no way to prevent these returns from happening, but fortunately there are ways to cut costs when it comes to managing them. Partnering with a reverse logistics company that’s based in the U.S. is one way for Europeans to save on labor, transport, and disposal costs (to name a few).
It is cheaper to have returns consolidated in the U.S. and then either kept here or bulk shipped to Europe. Additionally, there are laws, rules and regulations (such as taxes and tariffs) that must be followed when shipping merchandise across borders. Failure to comply can result in fines and costly delays, so it’s important to partner with a company that is experienced with cross-border reverse logistics.
As a leading U.S. based reverse logistics provider with over 45 years, ShipWizard has a proven record of efficiency and responsibility to handle your returns management process. We proudly offer a high-tech, seamless reverse logistics process that will help you save.
Better customer service
Here in the United States, consumers expect and demand a high level of customer service. This is especially true when it comes to product returns. With 96% of American consumers saying that they will buy again if the returns process is easy, your brand cannot afford not to deliver excellent service.
The ShipWizard team understands the needs of your American customers. Our friendly, professional staff is well-versed in customer service, and we understand the culture. Instead of spending time trying to learn and understand the American culture, why not outsource to the experts?